Fiber arts as therapy can be used for most populations and is not gender specific.  These relaxing and meditative activities can reduce stress, boost mood and enhance focus. Creating something tangible proceeds a sense of accomplishment making it a powerful tool for mental wellness.

Physical, social, rehabilitative and emotional issues can be touched on in a fiber arts setting.  Clients can work in groups or as individuals, cooperatively or on their own.  Having a project for focus can create a more open environment for dialogue and expression with limited eye contact and visual cues dampened for those who are sensitive.  The fiber arts can be exacting or free flowing.  They do not 'break' and can be undone and reused which can be a wonderful metaphor for second chances and starting over with grace.  Each fiber art has boundaries and edges, a beginning and an end which are well defined thus creating a safe space in which to explore or follow.  

Passive benefits have been found to create a more relaxed atmosphere and decrease anxiety when in the near proximity of a person creating in the fiber arts.  The repetitive motion and relaxing air created by the fiber art positively affects those nearby.  

Most fiber arts are portable so the participant can take it with them if allowed to use at any time.  Some people may need the comfort of their project at times away, or if boredom can be an issue thus having their project at hand to work on can distract in idle time.  

Starting a Therapeutic Fiber Arts program can be a wonderful addition for any facility, program or individual.  Let Sand assist you in creating a program and gentle space for Therapeutic Fiber Arts  to fit your group, facility or personal needs.